Mollie Adams Diary of her Journey in the Canadian Rockies, August 25, 1908
Moose River Camp.
Tuesday, Aug. 25.
Rain, Laid over. Fresh snow on the mts. we are hoping Dr. Coleman is not trying to climb Robson Pk. these days. M. got a bang on the leg yesterday as Nibs jumped a log and it swelled pretty fiercely, so she was just as glad to have a day off to give it a chance. The other people laid over too. They are a queer pair to be prospecting out here – Mr. Sommer has a hardware store in Chicago, which his brother is at present managing, and Mr. Kaeke is book keeper for two breweries. They are both married and have not heard from their wives since about the middle of April, and won’t get home till November. And they apparently think of lighting out again for 6 months next year – a little prospecting trip down the Yukon about two thousand miles by canoe, or if the assays of the stuff they have picked up in this region are good, they may be back here again.
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